This image shows a man in a classroom using a laptop while looking at the camera
Learn English online image ©

British Council

From 17September 2015, the British Council will no longer provide face to face English language courses. We are continuing all our exams and UK qualifications provision, including IELTS and Cambridge English.  The British Council’s work in arts, society and education in Lebanon will continue - the only change is to our provision of public English courses.  Those interested in online learning can continue to visit our LearnEnglish website.  

We are honoured to have taught English to thousands of Lebanese students since direct teaching operations began in 1951.  Our work in English in Lebanon will continue to grow; we will have greater impact and reach more people across Lebanon by further developing our English projects work with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and other partners, as this will strengthen language learning and teacher training within the national education system.  So, whilst we will no longer teach English directly from our premises, we will still be part of improving and growing English language provision in Lebanon.   

For more information, please visit:  You can also keep in touch with the British Council through and

If you are a current or former student or teacher from the British Council, visit our Facebook page and share your photos and memories.